Welcome to Investor Relations Zone of the Adiuvo Investments S.A

Apologies. Information in this section are available only in Polish.

Through the Investor Relation site we provide all necessary information regarding Adiuvo Investments S.A. company in a clear and sufficient way. You will find here current general information about our company, current and periodic reports, financial results, chronological review of important events and all kinds of information that has something to do with the status of Adiuvo Investments S.A as public company. These information will enable to establish your valuable opinion about the company  assets. 

We invite Shareholders, potential Investors, financial analysts and business Partners to follow the website and be up to date with what is going on in Adiuvo Investments S.A. in Poland and worldwide.

Investor Relations Contact:

Anna Aranowska-Bablok

email: aaranowska@adiuvoinvestments.com

tel.: +48 22 243 47 99

Adiuvo Investments S.A.
ul. Szara 10
00-420 Warsaw

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